Page 175 - TELE-satellite-1207

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175 —
06-07-08/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
One of the few remaining Villas in the sea of
apartment buildings in the Ipiranga quarter of
Sao Paulo. No one has any idea that there’s
a small but energetic satellite dealer and
installer headquartered here. The satellite
antennas can’t be seen from the street.
تنرتنلاا ىلع حجان قوست
ليزارب لا قطانم عيمجل نحشي
مامتهلال ةري ثم ةيصصخت تاجتنم
لابقتسا نيسحتل بوب نا : هنع انعمس داكلاب
ةيرئادلا ةراشلاا