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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
possible position so that the
construction of the Lego
mount can be completed.
Manual formation of the
aluminum foil was always
necessary in order to obtain
the best possible results.
During the alignment of
the Lego antenna, you’ll
notice a huge disadvantage
when analog satellite trans-
missions are turned off:
while an analog receiver
allowed you to align an an-
tenna in real time, a digital
receiver brings with it a rel-
atively large delay. It’s no
wonder that more and more
satellite signal analyzers
are appearing on the mar-
ket! The real-time spec-
trum display on an analyzer
identifies signals before the
tuner in the receiver has a
chance to process the sig-
nals. Unfortunately, most
low-end signal analyzers
don’t have a spectrum dis-
play or it’s extremely slow
and therefore not quite
suitable for such an experi-
ment. Of course it would be
nice to have a professional
analyzer at hand.
The further fine-tuning
of the antennas alignment
along with the manually
shaped aluminum foil re-
flector provide sufficient
gain in the antenna so
that both analog and digi-
tal transponders can be
received. There were no
problems receiving ASTRA
although it needs to be
mentioned that this small
antenna has no bad weath-
er reserve and also that it
shouldn’t be mounted on a
balcony or terrace if it’s a
windy day outside.
This experiment clearly
shows how powerful mod-
ern DTH satellites really are
and how LNBs and tuners
have become such high-
quality items. The time
went by very fast that af-
ternoon and my daughter
got a small peak into the
fascination of satellite re-