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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
Special Transmission Modes
Making life hard for DXers
– or: TV stations’ little
tricks to avoid viewers
Thomas Haring
Transmissions that are broadcast via
satellite usually can be received by
anyone within a particular satellite’s
footprint. In the case of DTH (direct to
home) TV and radio reception this is a
welcome scenario, because providers are
trying to max out on potential audiences.
On the other hand, programs also need
to be distributed within and between
different providers without any viewers
being able to receive them. In satellite
speak these transmissions are called
feeds. Feeds can be used to transmit a
baseball game from the US, for example,
or a live report from a news event.
A motorised antenna is required for feed reception
In Europe the most popular multi-feed reception system is aligned towards
ASTRA 19.2° East and HOTBIRD 13° East. Feeds cannot be received with
such a set-up.
SCPC reception with only 1.6 Ms/s