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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
ST Electronics also attract-
ed a continuous stream of
visitors with its Smart Cities
showcase of the latest in data
management and resource
utilisation for public utilities
– a technology concept that
is making waves across the
MAVEN – a robot from Nan-
yang Technological Univer-
sity’s Institute for Media In-
novation – excited the crowd
with its ability to recreate a
3D representation of its sur-
roundings as it travelled the
exhibition floor. MAVEN, in
addition to Singapore Poly-
technic’s Express Melody, a
solution that leverages on
cloud technology and helps
businesses to attach a unique
sound to their brand, were
amongst some of the innova-
tions showcased at the new
Discovery Lounge at Commu-
ST Electronics
showed data
management and
resource utilasation
for publi utilities
[Foto: Luo Shigang]
3D presentations at
[Foto: Luo Shigang]