Page 179 - تيلى-ستلايت - اكبر مجلة تلفزيون رقمي تجارية عالمية منذ 1981

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179 —
09-10/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
Human IT Solutions in the Korea pa-
vilion unveiled ‘Human Gate – Lite’, an
indoor gateball system using infrared
motion capture of the whole body so
that the player does not need to wear
any equipment or use a handheld de-
EnterpriseIT, held in conjunction with
CommunicAsia, showcased exhibitors
comprising international IT systems
providers and companies offering en-
terprise solutions ranging from cloud
computing, data centre services, se-
curity and M2M, to mobility solutions
and video conferencing. Mr. Adrian
Tee, Head of Software Solutions of
O’Connor’s Singapore declares, “This is
the first time the O’Connor’s Software
Solutions Business Unit is participat-
ing in CommunicAsia to showcase two
software solutions, Puffersoft Labs’ re-
verse cloud desktop virtualisation and
Zenprise’s mobile device management.
We are surprised and pleased with the
overwhelming response and interest we
received from customers and potential
partners in the region. Our teams were
engaged in back to back meetings from
the start of the day till way past closing
time. The exhibition certainly exceeded
our expectations.”
The special OTT feature area, one
of the star attractions at BroadcastA-
sia2012, saw a huge number of visi-
tors stopping to catch a glimpse of
the Euro2012 on various platforms in-
cluding TV, laptop, tablet and mobile
phone; and other content contributed
by Sony Pictures. A consortium of ex-
hibitors facilitated this multi-platform
delivery of content. The Cinematogra-
phy/Film/Production zone drew packed
audiences keen to see and learn about
the latest motion picture tools and soft-
ware. The Media Village’s hourly dem-
onstrations of the most exciting post
production and visual effects solutions
was seen to be highly popular with
the audience. An interesting draw was
the photography subject Sony used to
demonstrate the features and versa-
tility of its cameras – a sparkling Mini
Cooper. Sony showcased its PMW-100
professional camera that is particularly
popular in broadcasting stations and
production houses for gathering news
and producing documentaries.
“As Topas TV is a new DTH satellite
and pay TV station broadcasting 65
TELE-satellite Magazine's booth at CommunicAsia2012 in Singapore
[Foto: Luo Shigang]