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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
channels, I came to BroadcastAsia2012
to shop for equipment from set-top
boxes to head-end products and en-
coders. I visited COSHIP, Harmonic,
Wellav, Grass Valley and Ideal Systems,
as well as updated myself on the new-
est technologies. I am happy with the
management of the exhibition. Every-
thing is very well arranged,” says Mr.
Michael Mulyanto, Chief Operating Of-
ficer, Topas TV, Indonesia.
The CommunicAsia2012 Summit,
BroadcastAsia2012 International Con-
ference and Creative Content Produc-
tion Conference, received overwhelm-
ing response from delegates, with
exciting questions and discussions
generated during the sessions, work-
shops and panel discussions. Over
200 speakers including two visionary
speakers, Ms. Aliza Knox from Google
and Ambassador David Gross from
Wiley Rein LLP, ensured delegates had
something to debate. The BroadcastA-
sia2012 International Conference and
Creative Content Production Confer-
ence featured speakers from some of
the media and broadcasting industries’
most successful companies including
Fremantle Productions, Lucasfilm Ani-
mation, Pinewood Iskander Malaysia
and Pixelmetrix Corporation, sharing
their expertise and experiences work-
ing on world-famous projects. “The
conference experience has been very
informative. It covered a wide range
of topics, and dealt with convergence
and new technologies which helps us
to keep abreast of developments,” says
Mr. Mautik Tolia, Executive VP (Pro-
gramming), NEO Sports Broadcast.
The next exhibitions CommunicA-
sia2013, EnterpriseIT2013 and Broad-
castAsia2013 will all three be held from
18 -21 June 2013 at Marina Bay Sands
Convention Center in Singapore.
More information:
A packed audience at the BroadcastAsia2012 International Conference
High level interviews were conducted during the venue and transmitted live to a worldwide audience