Page 188 - تيلى-ستلايت - اكبر مجلة تلفزيون رقمي تجارية عالمية منذ 1981

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Atlanta, GA, USA
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
Actively Involved in Satellite
Business for 33 Years
Tim Heinrichs, DMS International’s
CEO, in his office in Acworth,
Georgia, northwest of Atlanta. He’s
testing an FS2 signal analyzer beta
There aren’t too many companies
that have hung around for decades and
at the same time are still in the same
business segment. DMS International,
which has been in existence since the
very early days of TV reception via
satellite, belongs to that group. Tim
Heinrichs is Founder and CEO of satel-
lite wholesaler DMS International and if
you’ve been in the same business for so
long, there’s absolutely no doubt that
you are a real enthusiast. In the small
town of Acworth, not too far from Lock-
heed and Marietta northwest
of Atlanta, Georgia, USA, we
found Tim Heinrichs and his
wife Vicky, the President of
the company. We wanted to
know how DMS International
became what it is today.
Tim Heinrichs has been a DXer
for a long time: he was excited about
CB communications when it first start-
ed and all that could be done with it.
It allowed people for the first time to
communicate wirelessly with each other
without too much in the form of tech-
nical requirements. Oh really? In 1968
Tim erected a tower 25 meters high for
his CB antenna. He used it to listen in
when railroad employees talked to each
other, when construction companies
passed on work orders to their builders,
when truck drivers warned others of ra-
dar traps on the highways and when the
police would coordinate road blocks with
their headquarters. But Tim was espe-
cially fascinated with the phenomenon
of “skip” transmissions: under certain
weather conditions CB radio transmis-
Satellite Wholesaler and Meter Manufacturer DMS, USA