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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
large portion of their production is for
the 60cm and 90cm variants; a smaller
portion is for 75cm antennas.
Where do these antenna sets end up?
“Roughly 80% of our production gets
shipped to South America, above all to
However you won’t have much luck
searching for the Topsignal brand name
in Brazil: the company is an origi-
nal equipment manufacturer (OEM)
and the satellite dishes and LNBs are
shipped without any name stenciled on
them. “We work together with an agent
who resells the sets in Brazil and adds
the brand names of the large custom-
ers right there in Brazil.”
Topsignal’s next largest shipping zone
is The Middle East and Africa account-
ing for 15% of deliveries. The remain-
ing production goes to large distribu-
tors and dealers in Southeast Asia. “1.5
and 1.7-meter mesh antennas are quite
popular there.”
Now Topsignal is looking to pene-
trate the large markets in Europe and
North America. “We want to start there
by concentrating on our LNB products
such as the Ka-band LNB in the USA.”
But VSAT is also on the list of newly de-
veloped products from Topsignal.
A small in-house team of 10 R&D en-
gineers is currently working on this but
Topsignal also receives additional de-
sign input from outside specialists for
these new markets. “We are currently
working on a new LNB series with spec-
ifications that are far better than our
current production.”
As you can see, Topsignal is consis-
tently working on improving their prod-
ucts. At the moment, Topsignal’s LNB
assortment consists of Single, Twin and
Quattro LNBs; additional variants are in
the works.
Sales Manager James You is very op-
timistic with their new LNB series. He
takes a look into his crystal ball: “In
2011 our sales amounted to roughly 50
million RMB (about US$8 million), but
for 2012 we foresee a 30% increase
due in large part to our new and im-
proved products.”
With its enormous quantities, Topsig-
nal has managed in just ten years to
work its way up into the top class of
manufacturers. With new and improved
products and the expansion into new
markets, Topsignal wants to continue
this success.
The next 10 years should be very ex-
citing at Topsignal!