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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
distribution stations all across the
USA had been built up through which
these video cassettes could be rented.
In 1998 a satellite channel was even
leased and was used to broadcast three
Chinese-language channels in Viaccess.
But then in 2004 the elections in
Taiwan resulted in a new government.
The new government decided to send
over to the USA a new leadership for
ICN. Inexperienced and naïve, these
new bosses ran the company into the
ground in just a few months.
Neil Nieh, who had been working for
ICN already since 1990, and a coworker
in administration, Amanda Lee, rec-
ognized ICN’s potential and offered to
take over the nearly collapsed company
in a management buyout. “I took over
60% and my partner Amanda Lee took
over the remaining 40%”, explains Neil
Nieh to us.
Amanda Lee as the CEO runs the
company’s daily operations while Neil
Nieh is the Technical Director for Pro-
gramming Development. The owner-