Page 313 - تيلى-ستلايت - اكبر مجلة تلفزيون رقمي تجارية عالمية منذ 1981

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313 —
TELE-satellite International —
Two things have been suc-
cessfully introduced into
ECHOSTAR’s receivers: the
unique ECHONAV navigation
system and the informative
multilingual user manuals.
This holds true for every
receiver in ECHOSTAR’s new
product line, including the
extremely compact DSB-707
It’s amazing how it was
possible to fit everything
into a 25.5 x 20.0 cm (10.0
x 7.9 inch) cabinet. And this
at a height of only 4.0 cm
(1.6 inches). On the front
panel of this tiny receiver is
a set of three small buttons
that allow control directly
on the receiver but not
actual receiver program-
ming. Because of its small
size, there was no room for
a display. There is however
an LED that indicates the
receiver’s status. It gets a
little tight on the rear panel
since ECHOSTAR wanted to
include a looped-through IF
input, two Scart connectors,
a serial interface and four
RCA jacks for video, analog
stereo audio and digital
audio (!) outputs. And with
the little space that was left,
ECHOSTAR also managed to
fit a modulator.
The inside of the box is also
just as feature-rich. It can
handle 4000 channels (1300
transponders) and 100 sat-
ellites. This suggests that
this receiver should be used
with a motorized system.
In addition to DiSEqC 1.0, it
comes with DiSEqC 1.2 just
for this purpose.
Terrestrial PayTV and FTA
The slowly increasing
availability of DVB-T receiv-
ers can be divided into two
categories. There are those
units that are designed for
use just in Europe without
the ability to select the
transmission mode (2K/8K)
or the Gard Interval (1/4
– 1/32). These receivers
could not be used in Aus-
tralia for example. A DVB-T
receiver that could be used
nearly anywhere in the
world is the 9828 T from
Nokia. We say “nearly”
because this receiver can’t
handle NTSC signals.
The 9828 T really doesn’t
look any different on the
outside compared to its
satellite receiver brothers
from Nokia. The typical
front panel includes a dis-
play that either shows the
current channel or the cur-
rent programming mode.
The buttons for channel
selection are found behind
a flap. This is where you will
also find the slots for use
with various CA modules.
Yes, even with DVB-T there
will eventually be PayTV
and Nokia decided to plan
ahead by including this fea-
ture in their receiver.
On the rear panel the
antenna signal is trans-
ported via a UHF modula-
tor. Two Scart connectors
deliver video and audio to
a TV and a VCR. Audio out-
puts for a stereo system
are also provided via a pair
of RCA jacks. A third RCA
jack provides a digital audio
Small but Beautiful