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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
1. As the antenna was rotated,
the signal quality (Q) bar graph
clearly shows that we were
closing in on GALAXY 19
2. Turning the antenna a little
more and “Locked” lit up telling
us that we had a signal lock on
3. Adjusting the dish a little
further increased the S/N level
until we reached a peak S/N
level of 10.1 dB. The dish was
now perfectly aligned with
4. Next we tried for the
HISPASAT satellite at 30°W
using the same antenna. As
the dish came within range of
the target satellite, the 5110Pro
showed that we were getting
close; the signal quality bar
graph (Q) began to react
5. And then moving the antenna
just a little bit more…LOCKED!
6. Fine tuning the antenna…
7. …until a maximum S/N level
was achieved. The antenna was
now peaked on HISPASAT.
zeroes. As mentioned before,
the display is divided into five
sections: Positioning, Satellite
Selection, Channel Number,
Latitude and Longitude and
Measurement. The Position-
ing section runs across the
top of the display from one
side to the other and shows
the required azimuth, eleva-
tion and polarization angle
settings for the target satel-
lite. This section will only dis-
play data if you already have
entered in your local position
and selected the satellite you
want to find. The Satellite
Selection section on the left
side displays information on
the currently selected chan-
nel (satellite position (L),
transponder frequency (F),
symbolrate (SR), LNB local
oscillator (LO), polarization
(LNB) and 22 kHz). The Chan-
nel Number section in the
lower left hand corner of the
display shows the currently
selected channel number ei-
ther from the “local channel
list” or from the “user defined
channel list”. The Latitude
and Longitude section high-
lights the location where the
meter will be used in degrees
latitude and longitude. Also
found here are a number of
additional function indicators
such as battery level, PC link,
speaker mute and channel
list. The Measurement section
displays the signal strength
(S) and quality (Q) levels in
bar graph form. Additionally,
the signal strength (S) is also
shown in numerical form as is
the signal-to-noise level (S/N)
and the bit error rate (B).
In order to get the most out
of this meter it’s clear that
the very first step would be to
enter in the local latitude and
longitude position where the
meter will be used. For our
location here in Long Island,
New York, it is 41°N 073°W.
Only whole numbers can be
entered; a more precise loca-
tion for us would have been
40.7°N 73.3°W but for the
purposes of entering in our
location in this meter, we had
to round to the nearest whole
number. Fortunately, this mi-
nor limitation should not ham-
per us in any way when trying
to find a specific satellite.
Now that our location has
been set up, it’s time to see
what this meter can do. The
5110Pro comes with a pre-
programmed “local channel
list” that includes nearly eve-
ry satellite from around the
world. The LEXIUM 5110Pro
automatically filters out the
satellites that are below the
horizon and thus not visible
from your location based on
the local coordinates that
were entered earlier. For
our test location the visible
satellites (above the hori-
zon) included all those from
139.0°W to 4.8°E for a total of
111 channels to choose from.
If you change the location co-
ordinates in the meter, the list
of visible satellites changes
along with it to adapt to the
new location. To give you an