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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
tuned the elevation (E) un-
til a maximum S/N level was
achieved. The dish was then
secured in place; it couldn’t
get any easier than that.
Was this just beginners
luck? We wanted to make
sure so we decided to give the
HISPASAT satellite at 30°W a
try with the same dish. From
the “local channel list” we
scrolled through the channels
until we found the only entry
for 30°W located at channel
86. The entry at this location
was for 11.466 GHz, 3500 SR,
9750 LOF. As it turns out, this
frequency is not an active fre-
quency for North America.
Luckily, changing the exist-
ing entry in the “local chan-
nel list” to a workable value
is a snap. At present, the cur-
sor arrow indicator should
be pointing to the channel
number (in this case channel
86). By momentarily push-
ing the Option/Local button
on the front panel once, the
cursor arrow should move to
the frequency position (F) and
the first digit in the current
frequency should be blink-
ing. Simply enter in the cor-
rect transponder frequency
using the numerical keypad
and then momentarily press
the Option/Local button once
again to move the arrow cur-
sor to the next entry (SR). For
our test we used the 12.052H
transponder with a symbol-
rate of 27500. Continue this
procedure until all the remain-
ing parameters are entered
and then press the Save/C
button to store the data. The
LEXIUM 5110Pro is now ready
for the HISPASAT satellite.
According to the 5110Pro,
the proper antenna settings
for HISPASAT are an azimuth
(A) of 125°, an elevation (E) of
25° and an LNB polarization
adjustment (P) of +38°. We
repositioned the LNBF in the
mount to reflect the new po-
larization adjustment angle of
+38°. Next we loosened the
mounting bolts on the anten-
na so that it could be moved.
The antenna was turned to-
wards an azimuth setting of
125° and sure enough as we
approached the 125° position
the signal quality bar graph
(Q) on the meter began to re-
As the antenna was moved
a little more, the S/N level
increased and the “Locked”
indicator on the display illumi-
nated. We had found HISPA-
SAT and once again we found
the target satellite on the first
5110Pro’s QuickSweep tech-
nology lives up to its name.
The meter reacts instantly
when you approach the tar-
get satellite as you’re turning
the antenna. Thanks to this
speedy response time, you
don’t have to sit there wait-
ing for the analyzer to do its
job every time the antenna
is moved a notch. You can
simply rotate the dish on its
mount and stop the rotation
when the analyzer reacts to
the target satellite. It’s that
A note to those of you who
will be setting up systems that
use universal Ku-band LNBFs:
the LEXIUM 5110Pro will work
with these types of LNBFs but
not exactly in the way that you
might expect. When selecting
the LOF to be used, you’d un-
doubtedly expect one of the
choices to be “universal” how-
ever that is not the case here.
With this meter you have to
enter the correct universal
LOF (9.750 or 10.600 GHz)
and set the 22 kHz signal to
ON if needed. The correct set-
tings will depend on whether
the transponder frequency to
be received is in the LNBF’s
low band (10.7 to 11.7 GHZ)
or high band (11.7 to 12.75
GHz). Of course, the LEXIUM
5110Pro is also C-band com-
And as if all of the above
wasn’t enough, this meter
comes with yet another fasci-
nating feature: it has Quick-
Recovery Software built in.
This software restores the
5110Pro back to its origi-
nal factory settings should a
problem ever occur during a
data transfer to the meter. In
the past such a data transfer
interruption would almost al-
ways result in a dead meter.
Restoring the meter used to
involve opening up the case,
locating and then reflashing
the memory. It’s a process