Page 115 - TELE-satellite-1205

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115 —
04-05/2012 —
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
if the programmed bytes matched the
ones from the original file. Everything
went smoothly without any error.
This gave me the courage to solder
the Spansion back onto the board. I
turned the meter on and... It worked
Not satisfied I did a more exhaus-
tive Google search and this time came
up with a support site for yet another
OEM version of my meter. Though the
website was in Russian language, I got
around with Google’s translator and
found out that it actually offered two
firmware releases, a flashing tool and
a settings editor. Despite the fact that
the tools were in Russian language
too (using Cyrillic characters), I tried
them out and this time I checked the
hardware revision of my satellite me-
ter and compared it with the pictures
shown on the website: they matched.
So after having returned the me-
ter from the brick-land for just half
an hour, I flashed it with this firm-
ware version, only to find out that the
meter was dead again. No problem, I
thought. I could always flash it exter-
nally with my new programmer.
But since I would have to ask my
friend to desolder the Spansion again,
I tried the flashing tool first. Without
being able to understand any message
displayed, I managed to figure out how
to use it and who would have guessed
it! It worked! I was able to flash my
backup to the meter, without having to
3. A JTAG interface is quickly found.
Unfortunatly no success trying to
program the firmware this way.
4. The flash chip, a Spansion
S25FL016A, had to be desoldered.
5. No harm was done to the PCB. It is
important not to overheat the PCB, to
avoid traces popping out.
6. Due to a lack of a suitable chip
adapter, small wires were soldered on
the 8 pins of the chip.
7. The chip was connected to the
device programmer. Extra care was
taken to avoid any mistake connecting
the right wires to the programmer.
desolder anything. Had I only known
about this tool two weeks ago!
Not satisfied, I wondered how this
tool managed to establish a connec-
tion through the serial port, since I
hadn’t been able to do so in my own
previous trials. The answer: the me-
ter uses even parity instead of none...
This must be the first device I see with
such configuration: 115200 8E1. Now
I could see the boot loader messages
on HyperTerminal, too.