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04-05/2012 —
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
are generally fast enough for TV via
the Internet. Internet access is not as
yet available throughout the continent,
but it’s only a matter of time. “I have
good expectations for our company in
this market”, he continues as he es-
tablishes why he even flew to Africa.
In addition to learning more about
this market that’s hardly been pen-
etrated, it was also the perfect op-
portunity to test his IPTV boxes and
check out his self-developed technol-
ogy. “We’ve recently started keeping
an eye on an IPTV network in Bangkok,
Thailand. We designed a complete sys-
tem for a provider there including the
IPTV receivers for end users”, we learn
from General Manager Eagle Chain. “At
the moment the network is laid out to
handle up to 50,000 users; we could
set it up to supply up to 500,000 users
with IPTV.” It’s a turnkey solution de-
veloped by the Sowell engineers. “The
system is carrying 45 SD channels and
5 HD channels.”
But Sowell doesn’t see itself as just a
supplier of IPTV solutions for providers
in the future, they also see an interest-
ing future as a supplier of independent
IPTV receivers. “The number of expa-
triates is always increasing and more
often than not it’s unlikely that they’ll
be able to see their TV channels via
satellite from home. IPTV is ideal for
this group.”
As an example, Eagle Chain points
out two IPTV Chinese-language ser-
vices. “Here in China the IPTV service
from is very popu-
lar and for those Chinese people liv-
ing in the USA it’s the IPTV provider” For other language
groups there are just as many provid-
ers and with the consistently increas-
ing number of Internet providers ap-
pearing, the interest in this type of
programming service also continues
to increase. “We’re working on devel-
oping very comfortable receivers for
these IPTV providers.” In other words,
the user no longer has to access these
channels through his laptop and make
due with a small monitor; instead he
can use a standalone IPTV receiver
and that big-screen TV in his living
IPTV isn’t the only thing that Sowell
is looking at for the future. “We’re also
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