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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 04-05/2012
Success with
range of
Neal is Managing Director for Hypex and personally
takes care of their professional broadcast and cable TV
Not many digital TV product dealers
can boast over 30 years success in the
business (in 2012 it will be 33 years).
One of the few wholesalers that fall into
this category is the company Hypex in
London. We paid a visit to them just
before they moved into their new ware-
Hypex was founded in 1979 by Shyv
Sood. He is an electrical engineer and
recognized back then the need for com-
mercial receivers and other broadcast-
ing equipment.
As a one-man operation he sold
among other things DX
Communications amateur
radio receivers. Relatives
from his family came later
on and started working for his
company and so Hypex became
stronger and stronger over the years.
Just a few years ago the company be-
came a limited liability corporation and
now operates under the name Hypex,
Hypex is a pure wholesaler and does
not sell to end users. Managing Director
Neal tells us more: “We ship to roughly
600 active dealers of which 15% are
outside of Great Britain.” Hypex custom-
ers can be found as far away as Malay-
sia. Neal explains how it came to that:
“Over those many years our company
has become very well-known and estab-
lished and aside from that many Asian
companies have their own branch office
in Great Britain. For those it’s much sim-
Wholesaler Hypex, UK