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04-05/2012 —
TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
to be a special station can be seen if
you pay a visit to their brand new, ul-
tra modern ground station. Our station
tour guide is Zhang Bing; he’s been
working for Shenzhen TV as a Broad-
cast Engineer since 1994 and witnessed
first hand the stunning growth of the
station. “Shenzhen TV started in 1984”,
explains Zhang Bing to us during the
tour, “Today there are more than 2000
people working here of which 260 are
in the technical field and of those there
are 70 Broadcast & Transmission engi-
The channel has been transmitting
via satellite since 2004: “We transmit
two channels via CHINASAT 6A at 125E
- our HD channel is on 4.040H and the
SD channel plus three radio channels
are on 3.845H.” The mentioning of the
three radio channels, that naturally are
also transmitted terrestrially via FM,
points out the fact that Shenzhen TV
offers more than just one TV channel.
“We’ve been transmitting four SD DVB-
T TV channels since 2006. And since
2008 we’ve been using DMB-TH to
transmit five TV channels terrestrially
in HD. We also offer cable subscribers
in Shenzhen 10 TV channels and we’re
getting ready for distribution via IPTV.”
Sure enough, Shenzhen TV changed
its name to Shenzhen Media Group
back in 2006 and is now know by the
abbreviation SZMG. Shortly after that
in 2007 ground was broken on the
Ground Station in Xili. “We have
six uplink antennas and 20
downlink antennas”, says
Zhang Bing as he gestures
to these dishes that have
been very profession-
ally arranged. SZMG uses the downlink
antennas to receive the transmissions
and SNG feeds for their own channel.
He explains to us the function of the
uplink antennas: “All of the antennas
are used in pairs: one main dish and
a backup dish. Two 6.2-meter antennas
handle our own SNG uplink in the Ku-
band, Two additional antennas for our
SNG uplink in the C-band in which the
main dish is 9.0 meters in diameter and
the backup dish is 7.3 meters wide.”