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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 04-05/2012
1. The satellite signals find their way here: the original signal from the satellite is delivered via fiberoptic cable
and converted into the L-band for further processing. SZMG utilizes the most modern technology here.
2. Huang Haitao is the Station Manager and leads the small five-man SZMG Ground Station team. He is seen
here standing next to the modulators for the uplink of Shenzhen TV that will soon be turned on.
3.In the heart of the satellite uplink station: here is the actual transmitter. Even here everything has a backup.
Station Manager Huang Haitao has his hand on the main transmitter: “This one has an output power of 3000W.”
The backup transmitter has a 500W power output.
4. The engineering room at SZMG with the modulators.