Стр. 132 - TELE-satellite-1207

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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
not entirely complete, even with all the
above listed libraries and packages in-
stalled. Thankfully there is the Internet
and after a quick search we discovered
a special lcd4linux plug-in which – once
installed – replaced the original plug-in
by the same name. The new plug-in once
and for all featured all required routines
so that we were finally able to use our
picture frame. If you speak or understand
German you may want to look at the
German-language MyAZBox forum for a
detailed summary of all required steps:
Thanks to the plug-in a number of op-
tions are available to display the name of
the currently selected channel, show con-
tent information on the current and next
events and the like.
The absolute high point is a feature
that allows displaying channel logos. All
you need to do is copy them to the /usr/
shared/picons directory. Since standard
channel logo packages have a different
resolution than the digital picture frame
we recommend the installation of dedi-
cated picons packages for the picture
frame. If required, these packages can
even be copied to a separate directory
so that they are available with different
1, 2: Using a tool with the
modified firmware that is stored in
the archive you first have to flash
the digital picture frame with the
help of a PC.
resolutions for different purposes such as
OSD inserts, for example.
We do have to admit at this point that
the whole setup was not yet 100% reli-
able and after a few minutes the picture
frame went black and could only be re-
activated by turning it off and then on
again. At the same time we found out that
a new firmware distribution for the AZBox
ME was being launched and obviously we
gave it a go right away.
What a wise move that was, because
all that was left for us to do was to install
the current lcd4linux plug-in for the pic-
ture frame to come back to life. It was not
even necessary to manually install addi-
tional libraries or packages – the picture
frame has been running smoothly and
flawlessly ever since. Occasional hiccups
do not bother us any longer since this
special version of the picture frame firm-
ware goes into a stable mode whenever a
problem occurs.
In summary, we can state that our
AZBox ME never ceases to surprise and
impress us, and now it even comes with
an external colour display for additional
information such as channel logo, event
name, duration, weather, etc. What’s
more, we now have installed three entire-
ly different firmware versions on our AZ-
Box ME and it’s for us to decide whether
we only want to watch TV or rather prefer
to explore the depths of the DX world.