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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
Professional Dish Manufacturer SVEC, China
High Investment
in Product Quality
SVEC (Sichuan Video Equipment
Company) has been manufacturing sa-
tellite antennas of all sizes since 1993.
Production quantities are enormous:
SVEC manufactures several million
dishes each month. The most popu-
lar dish types are 60 and 75cm off-
set antennas. Next in line are 1.2 and
1.5-meter diameter dishes. But SVEC
also manufactures large segmented
dishes with diameters of 2.4 meters.
Lately SVEC is concentrating on expan-
ding their professional VSAT antenna
business. “We also offer Ka-Band di-
shes for Internet-via satellite”, we learn
from Becky, Manager of the Internatio-
nal Sales Team. And, really, that’s the
reason why we came to pay a visit to
SVEC: professional products require
professional production.
We already reported on SVEC back in
TELE-satellite 02-03/2010 issue. Even
back then we already mentioned how
SVEC was becoming active in VSAT and
the Ka-Band. Since then SVEC has in-
vested enormously to not only guaran-
tee production quality but also to raise
the quality to new levels; levels that are
unheard of for a manufacturer that pro-
duces millions of dishes every month.