Стр. 199 - TELE-satellite-1207

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www.TELE-satellite.com —
06-07-08/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
Quality Assurance at SVEC:
Precision Measurement Chamber
3. This recently installed system permits the extremely precise measurement of a dish. The
system is compatible with dishes up to 1.2 x 1.5 meters in size with a maximum height of 1.0
meters. The dishes are set up with calibrated measurement points. After that the Root Mean
Square machine drives to each of the measurement points logging the results. SVEC can in this
way monitor the precision of the offset as well as the parabolic shape.
4. An optical microscope is also used to monitor these precise measurements. The precision
of the mounting holes on a mast bracket are being checked here. The microscope acts as a TV
camera and displays the image on the adjacent monitor.
5. The precision of a mounting hole is checked here. The microscope provides a 72x