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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
father occasionally took me with him to
work and I managed to pick up a few
things about TV reception.” It got more
interesting in 1980: “I was 14 years old
then and had access to the university’s
computer through my school.”
As many other software pioneers
did back then, the young Rod Hewitt
learned the secrets to computer pro-
gramming. “I learned everything on
my own.” And just like other life sto-
ries from this day and age, Rod also
couldn’t take it much longer going to
school: “I dropped out of school at 16
and started working for a computer
distributing company.”
In 1983 this company added a new
computer model to their product line
and wouldn’t you know it: “It was the
successor model to the same type of
computer on which I learned to pro-
gram by myself.” In other words, Rod
was instantly up to speed with all the
secrets of this new computer model
and took over the support of this man-
ufacturer’s computer models.
A few years later, in 1988, he was in-
vited by this company to travel to the
USA to handle a project.“ I spent three
weeks in Santa Anna, California in Or-
ange County and the Manager of the
company was so impressed with my