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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
technical specifications and standards.”
Some of the documents were translat-
ed into Chinese by her fellow students.
Anna had managed to find a powerful
market gap; anyone in China who was
involved with receiver production or de-
velopment of digital receiver software
could view and download all the neces-
sary documents from Anna.
“By 2004 we already had 80,000 reg-
istered users”, remembers Anna about
the quickly growing popularity of her
website. “We also offered the source
codes for DVB applications and DVB an-
alyzer information.”
A natural development of her down-
load forum website was the start of a
discussion page and not long after that
a news page was started. Today DVBCN
is the most viewed website in China for
anyone that in one form or another is
connected with digital TV. Technicians
can find not only valuable information
for their work on the DVBCN site, but
even those employees in marketing use
DVBCN for up to date information on
digital TV trade shows and exhibitions.
Today DVBCN has over 200,000 regis-
tered users.
But Anna was not satisfied with one
website. “The main site is just a base
website”, she explains, “but two other
business segments are above all finan-
cially successful.” Since so many profes-
sional digital technical users have come
together on DVBCN, it was actually quite
easy to provide them and digital TV
firms a platform where workers could
find new jobs and digital TV companies
could find new employees: In 2005 Anna
started her new website www.51dtv.
com that resembles a recruiting com-
pany; the number 51 is Chinese for “I
At the moment www.51dtv.com is only
available in Chinese but Anna is in the
process of creating an English version
that would make it easier for companies
outside of China to search for employ-
ees and also, vice versa, to make it eas-
ier for Chinese digital TV specialists to
find a job with a foreign company.
But that was still not enough for Anna
- in 2011 she founded yet another busi-
ness segment in her own company:
Digital Technology Ltd. develops digi-
tal TV software. This segment imme-
diately caught on; this is the company
with the additional 13 employees we
had mentioned earlier, although they’re
not located in Shanghai. “10 engineers
work in an office in Hangzhou plus one
additional engineer each in Shenzhen,
Chengdu and Beijing.”
What are these engineers doing at
these locations? “We are primarily work-
ing on the DLNAOTT technology, that is,
the integration of mobile telephone, lap-
top and TV under the term Multi Screen
Interaction.” This means that what you
see on a display screen, for example,
on a mobile telephone screen, can be
Victor Ho oversees the
news and test reports on
DVBCN. He is DVBCN’s Chief