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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 06-07-08/2012
— www.TELE-satellite.com
Broadcast technician Joao
Carlos in the engineering
room. The signals from
the satellite antennas are
received here in HD.
A Local TV Station
in Campinas Utilizes
the Most Modern
HDTV Technology
The distribution of programming via
satellite is required by many of the
national TV chains so that all of the
linked local stations can receive their
programming. In the city of Campinas
about 100km north of Sao Paulo can
be found one of the most modern local
TV stations from TV Bandeirantes; it is
completely set up for HDTV.
On a hill overlooking Campinas,
there’s a row of antenna masts for the
city’s local TV channels. One of those
masts belongs to TV Bandeirantes.
This TV station transmits in analog on
Channel 4 as well as Channel 15 but on
Channel 16 the programming is trans-
mitted digitally and in HD.
Jose Mariano is the station’s Chief
Engineer and explains to us: “The first
TV tower was erected on this spot back
in 1996. In 2003 the entire system
was rebuilt and that’s what you see
here today.” Four engineers make sure
that everything runs smoothly with all
One of them is Joao Carlos, who told
us more about the station’s satellite
antennas: “We operate a 5.0-meter
dish and a backup 3.2-meter antenna.
Both of them are pointed to BRASIL-
SAT 4 at 84W and receive the signals
in MPEG-4.” Another 3.6-meter dish re-
ceives the signals from the STARONE
C2 satellite at 70W.
An interesting feature of the sta-
tion are the antenna combiners. TV
Bandeirantes transmits in Campinas
on UHF channel 15 in analog and on
UHF channel 16 in digital. Both of
these signals are merged in the com-
biner and then routed to the broad-
casting antennas.
Antenna specialist Nivaldo da Silva
was responsible for aligning the satel-
lite dishes. He is considered the sat-
ellite guru in this region. He has the
experience and expertise to profes-
sionally set up these antennas. He ad-
mits that sometimes he “talks” to the
antennas and LNBs; that earned him
the nickname “Antenna Whisperer”.
TV Station TV Bandeirantes, Campinas, SP, Brazil