Стр. 79 - TELE-satellite-1207

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www.TELE-satellite.com —
06-07-08/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
related to soccer and motor
sports or the video portal
spox.com that provides in-
formation and video clips for
nearly every type of sport.
A unique highlight would
have to be the Wikipedia
App. If you come across an
unfamiliar word or technical
term during an exciting TV
documentary, you can quick-
ly have a look in Wikipedia.
With the Spark software and
the Wikipedia App, the user
has complete access to the
entire free Internet encyclo-
pedia database with just a
few commands from the re-
mote control.
We were also pleased to
see that the Spark software’s
OSD keyboard supported
multiple languages and their
language-specific character
sets whether it’s, for ex-
ample, German umlauts or
special Norwegian or Dutch
characters. There’s even a
Cyrillic, Greek or Arabic key-
board available. In this way
(nearly) every user can use
the Apps regardless what
language he/she speaks; it
lets you use Apps like Wiki-
pedia to the fullest extent.
The display of search re-
sults inside the Wikipedia
App is very practical; as
you’re typing in search cri-
teria, possible results are
shown on the right side of
the screen.
There are many of us out
there that use social net-
works these days. If you
happen to be sitting on the
couch and discover an in-
teresting movie to watch,
wouldn’t it be great if you
could tell your friends about
this discovery? Thanks to the
Twitter App, it’s no problem
at all. After entering in your
user name and password, the
entire world of Twitter is at
your fingertip. The timeline
of the user is displayed in
an organized fashion and it
takes just a few clicks on the
remote control to answer any
Tweets and also to check out
the profile of any person. You
can even search for specific
people or search using key-
words; it makes using this
service a breeze.