Стр. 87 - TELE-satellite-1207

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www.TELE-satellite.com —
06-07-08/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
permission to access certain
directories and files on the
As you will see from our ex-
ample, the AZBox ME should
be granted access to a certain
directory on our Windows7
computer. We named that
specific directory ‘Multime-
dia’ and created three subdi-
rectories within the ‘Multime-
dia’ directory, namely:
• ‘Video’ for video files
• ‘Audio’ for audio files
• ‘Images’ for pictures
It is best to set up Win-
dows7 in a way that allows
manual configuration of net-
work shares. This is the only
way to quickly determine
whether read, write and read/
write permissions are to be
granted for files within a net-
work share. We recommend
read-only permission for all
types of media clients – this
way you can happily give the
remote to your kids or techni-
cally challenged members of
your family without having to
fear your precious files might
inadvertently get deleted by
the end of the day.
Next, a user account has
to be created for network
access. Depending on your
personal requirements or
preferences you may choose
to create either one general
account for all media clients,
or an individual account for
each specific client. Both op-
tions come with certain ad-
vantages and drawbacks:
• One account for all me-
dia clients: You might like the
fact that you’re ready to go in
a flash since only one account
has to be set up. Please note,
however, that this means all
clients have permission to
access the same directories
and files.
• An individual account for
each media client: This in-
volves a little more work in
the beginning, but you are
then able to make sure your
kids can only watch and listen
to content that is located in a
specific directory, for exam-
No matter how you man-
age access to content, you
need to specify a password in
any case because Windows7
only permits network access
through password-protected
Finally, the selected direc-
tory (which in our case is the
directory with the name ‘Mul-
timedia’) has to be flagged
as a network share directory.
Simply mark the directory
and call up the context menu
with a right mouse click. Se-
lect the ‘Network share’ op-
tion and specify a name such
as ‘multimedia’ for the share.
If you have created more
than one account you can
also define which accounts
should be given access per-
mission to this specific net-
work share.
Now it’s time to focus on
the AZBox ME and set it up as
a media client with access to
the network share. If all goes
according to plan the directo-
ry of the Windows7 computer
will appear as a separate en-
try in the AZBox ME’s own file
Go to the ‘Setup’ menu
(image 1) and select the
‘System’ option, followed by
the ‘Network’ option (image
2). In the network configu-
ration menu choose ‘Mount-
Manager’ (image 3) in order
to access the ‘Auto Mount
Manager’ (image 4). You
need to create a new net-
work connection and to this
end you have to use the first
option which is called ‘Add
new network mount point’.
Take your time now to en-
ter all information precisely
as required (image 5):
• Local share name: Spec-
ify a name for the network
directory – this is how it will
appear in the media player’s
file system. You may want to
use ‘mediaserver’ or ‘com-
puter’, for example.
• Mount Type: If the SMB/
CIFS/Samba protocol is used
1-8. Installation