Page 27 - TELE-satelita - Największy na świecie magazyn o cyfrowej telewizji

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27 —
09-10/2012 —
TELE-satellite International —
files on it that we of course
wanted to keep, which is why
we added the time-shift and
recording directories manu-
Once that was accom-
plished we were able to use
those functions to the full and
could not detect any flaws.
Everything worked just the
way we knew it from other
Linux receivers.
We went through all other
menu options as well and also
tested a motorised antenna
with the SG2100 DiSEqC 1.2
motor from Motek, which
worked right away. This part
of our test was completed
extremely quickly since we
used the existing settings
from our AZBox ME. It pays
off to stick to products from
the same family!
Last but by no means
least we opened the Internet
browser on our PC and en-
tered the IP address of the
AZBox miniMe.
Spoilt by the AZBox ME,
we had certain hopes in that
regard and luckily the min-
iMe did not disappoint us.
The website of the receiver
appears on the monitor and
allows remote access to all
receiver functions.
In addition, it is even pos-
sible to stream the currently
received channel across the
entire home network. Sitting
on your work desk and at the
same time watching a soc-
cer match? No problem at all
thanks to the AZBox miniMe!
This is a receiver that
meets all of our demands:
The pre-installed firmware
lives up to its promises and
the receiver has treats in
store for everybody.
If you like watching films
and playing back multime-
dia files you can simply hook
up an existing hard disk and
watch or listen to more or
less all file formats.
If you’re the adventurous
type and love to spend hours
on end hunting for out-of-
the-ordinary channels from
exotic positions or for feeds
that are not intended for
the average viewer you will
greatly appreciate the blind
scan function.
For the rest of the family
who merely wants to watch
TV this receiver offers ease
of use and a logical user in-
terface. Who could possibly
ask for more?
Well, there is always more.
More features and more
functions, thanks to alterna-
tive firmware versions that
can be used optionally.
Just like with the AZBox ME
you can find a range of dif-
ferent firmware distributions
for the AZBox miniMe. There
is the official AZtrino firm-
ware, with which the receiver
is shipped by default.
And then there’s a firm-
ware version called RTI or an
OpenRSI version. It’s really