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TELE-satellite International — The World‘s Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine
— 09-10/2012
not hard to guess that we
tried out both!
First we had to find out
how to install new firmware
in the first place. The short
manual that is shipped with
the receiver is rather vague
regarding alternative firm-
ware and the missing VFD
display does not help either.
Just like the AZBox ME the
miniMe is started with the
0 or 1 button of the remote
pressed in order to boot from
flash memory 0 or 1. The AZ-
Box ME offers a third option
by pressing button 2. Alter-
natively you can press the
VOL+ button to access the
flash menu.
The AZBox miniMe does
not have a display, so even
though you press either 0/1
or VOL+ you have no in-
formation on whether your
command is being execut-
ed or how long you need to
press the button. This felt a
little strange at first and to
be on the save side we kept
our finger on the button until
the first screen appeared on
the TV.
After a while, however,
we knew intuitively when to
release the button, and we
even discovered that the
power LED flashes shortly
right after the selection has
been executed.
Contrary to the AZBox
ME a flash menu appears
on the screen. At that stage
it is possible to either flash
the receiver with BOOT[0],
Boot[1] or MICOM (front-end